Kalian harus lebih
berhati-hati dalam menghadapi pria. Kenapa? Karena tidak semua pria
serius pada perasaan mereka. Siapa tahu, si dia ternyata cuma suka PHP alias Pemberi Harapan Palsu kepada semua wanita. Alih-alih terjebak dengan tipe pria semacam ini, berikut adalah 5 Ciri Ciri Cowok Suka PHP Cewek:
1. Perhatian ke semua wanita
Si dia selalu tampak perhatian kepada semua wanita yang berada di
dekatnya. Maka jangan heran, jika dia terlihat akrab dengan banyak teman
wanita, baik itu di sosial media ataupun dalam pergaulan sehari-hari.
2. Pandai merayu
Dia tergolong pria yang pandai flirting dan merayu wanita. Kata-katanya
bak madu yang terasa manis di bibir, sehingga dia mudah sekali akrab
dengan para wanita di dekatnya. Alhasil, para wanita pun gampang
tertarik pada kepribadiannya yang menyenangkan.
3. Sikapnya suka berubah-ubah
Sikapnya suka berubah-ubah. Kadang-kadang, dia terlihat sangat
perhatian, tetapi suatu ketika dia juga bisa menjadi cuek setengah mati.
Itu dikarenakan dia memang tidak serius pada perasaannya, dan dia pun
hanya ingin mempermainkan perasaan wanita yang suka padanya.
4.Tidak mau pacaran
Dia tidak pernah menyatakan cintanya pada setiap wanita yang
disukainya. Intinya, dia seperti cuma ingin bersenang-senang dengan para
wanita yang suka padanya. Alhasil, setiap kali ditanya tentang status
hubungan, dia selalu berusaha mengelak dan mengatakan bahwa dia merasa
belum siap menjalani hubungan yang serius.
5. Kadang menghubungi, kadang tidak
Dia menghubungi Anda secara musiman atau hanya pada waktu tertentu saja.
Adakalanya, dia mendekati Anda secara terus-menerus selama beberapa
hari dan minggu. Namun, ada pula saat di mana dia sama sekali berhenti
menghubungi Anda.
Nah, itulah 5 Ciri Ciri Cowok Suka jadi PHP ke semua Cewek. Jadi, kalian harus lebih berhati-hati ya.
Bujuk rayu pria terkadang bisa memabukkan, namun Anda tetap perlu
mengasah logika Anda untuk melihat siapa pria yang sedang Anda kencani. ;)
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Jumat, 15 Agustus 2014
Kamis, 07 Agustus 2014
NOAH - Hero
If you ask me how I feel
I want to burn my lonely soul
Fly me through the danger zone
Like a shadow in your home
So let me be your hero
And cast away your sin above
Let me be your hero
And cast away the sin you own
Fly me now and don't despair
I'll be flying through your door
So let me be your hero
And cast away your sin above
Let me be your hero
And cast away the sin you own
Stand up I'll be on your side
Take my hand today
We can fly together
Let me lead the way
Stand up I'll be on your side
Take my hand today
We can fly together
Let me lead the way
Stand up I'll be on your side
Take my hand today
We can fly together
Let me lead the way
Stand up I'll be on your side
Take my hand today
We can fly together
Let me lead the way
So let me be your hero
And cast away your sin above
Let me be your hero
And cast away the sin you own
I want to burn my lonely soul
Fly me through the danger zone
Like a shadow in your home
So let me be your hero
And cast away your sin above
Let me be your hero
And cast away the sin you own
Fly me now and don't despair
I'll be flying through your door
So let me be your hero
And cast away your sin above
Let me be your hero
And cast away the sin you own
Stand up I'll be on your side
Take my hand today
We can fly together
Let me lead the way
Stand up I'll be on your side
Take my hand today
We can fly together
Let me lead the way
Stand up I'll be on your side
Take my hand today
We can fly together
Let me lead the way
Stand up I'll be on your side
Take my hand today
We can fly together
Let me lead the way
So let me be your hero
And cast away your sin above
Let me be your hero
And cast away the sin you own
Senin, 04 Agustus 2014
Adhitia Sofyan - Adelaide Sky
I need to know what's on your mind
These coffee cups are getting cold
Mind the people passing by
They don't know I'll be leaving soon
I'll fly away tomorrow
To far away
I'll admit a cliché
Things won't be the same without you
I'll be looking at my window seeing Adelaide sky
Would you be kind enough to remember
I'll be hearing my own foot steps under Adelaide sky
Would you be kind enough to remember me
I'll let you know what's on my mind
I wish they've made you portable
Then I'll carry you around and round
I bet you'll look good on me
I'll fly away tomorrow
It's been fun
I'll repeat the cliché
Things won't be the same without you
I'll be looking at my window seeing Adelaide sky
Would you be kind enough to remember
I'll be hearing my own foot steps under Adelaide sky
Would you be kind enough to remember me
I've been meaning to call you soon
But we're in different times
You might not be home now
Would you take a message
I'll try to stay awake
And fight your presence in my head
I'll be looking at my window seeing Adelaide sky
Would you be kind enough to remember
I'll be hearing my own foot steps under Adelaide sky
Would you be kind enough to remember me
And I'll be looking at my window seeing Adelaide sky
Would you be kind enough to remember
I'll be hearing my own foot steps under Adelaide sky
Would you be kind enough to remember me...
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