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Sabtu, 22 Maret 2014

Soal Discussion Text

The following text is for questions 1 to 3.
Animal testing is a deeply divided subject with a great deal of passion, emotion and ideas on both sides regarding the ethic of the practice. Some individuals support animal testing and some other oppose its use.
The scientific community is strongly in favour in animal testing. The medical breakthroughs that have occured as a result of animal testing are considered reason enough to continue the practice, with the aim of reducing human suffering and saving human lives. Animal testing aids researchers in finding drugs and tratments to improve health and medicine. Many medical treatments have been made possible by animal testing, including cancer and HIV drugs, insulin, antibiotics, vaccines and many more. Animal testing also helps to ensure the safety of drugs and many other substances human use or are exposed to regularly. Scientists typically use animals for testing purpose because they are considered similar to humans.
The contra on the issue of animal testing is that countless animals are experimented on and then killed after their use. Others are injured and will still live the rest of their lives in captivity. Many of these animals received tests for substances that will never actually be used for public consumption and use. Animal testing generally costs an enormous amount of money as the animals must be fed, housed, cared for and treated with drugs or experimental substances. The price of the animal themselves must also be factored into equation.
As a result of the controversy, regulations and laws should be enforced. At the very least, animal suffering should be minimized and that animals shoul be respected during their care. If animal testing is to continue, animals must be abused.

1. Which of the following is the reason why scientists use animal for testing?
     A.  Animals are the same as humans
     B.  Animals can reduce human suffering
     C.  Cancer and HIV can be found on animals
     D.  Animals and humans are regarded be alike
     E.  Medical treatments can be given to animals

2. The main idea of paragraph 3 is ....
     A.  the practice of animal testing is intolerable
     B.  animals need to be fed, housed and cared for
     C.  drugs and experimental substances are useless
     D. animal testing costs enormous amount of money
     E.  animal testing causes many animals live in captivity

3. From the text above, we can conclude that ....
     A.  medical experiments should be limited
     B.  pet lovers are in favour in animal testing
     C. animal testing is against the laws and regulations
     D. vaccines used today have been tested on animals
     E. patients never get benefit from the practices of animal testing

The following text is for questions 4 to 7.

Living in a big city has both advantages and disadvantages.
On the plus side, it is often easier to find work, and there is usually a choice of public transport,
so you don’t need to own a car. Also, there are a lot of interesting to do and places to see.
For example, you can eat in good restaurants, visit the museums, and go to the theater and to concerts. What is more, when you want to relax, you can usually find a park where you can feed the ducks or just sit on a park bench and read a book. All in all, city life is full of bustle and variety and you need never feel bored.
However, for every plus there is a minus. For one thing, you might have a job, but unless it is very well paid, you will not be able to afford many of the things that there are to do, because living in a big city is often very expensive.
It is particularly difficult to find good, cheap accommodation. What is more, public transport is sometimes crowded and dirty, particularly in the rush hour, and even the parks can become very crowded, especially on Sundays when it seems that every city dweller is looking for some open space and green grass. Last of all, despite all the crowds, it is still possible to feel very lonely in a city.
In conclusion, I think that city life can be particularly appealing to young people, who like the excitement of the city and don’t mind the noise and pollution. However, many people, when they get older, and particularly when they have young children, often prefer the peace and fresh air of the countryside.

4.  What is the suitable title of the text above?
     a.  Living in a big city
     b.  Advantage of living in a big city
     c.  Disadvantage of living in a big city
     d.  The positive effect of living in a big city
     e.  The danger of living in a big city

5.  What is the main idea of the second paragraph?
     a.  a choice of public transport
     b.  living without having a car
     c.  a lot of interesting things to do
     d.  a side effect of living in a big city
     e.  advantages of living in a big city

6.  What is the advantage of living in a big city?
     a.  It is often easy to find work
     b.  It is not expensive to fulfill daily needs
     c.  There are not any interesting things to do
     d.  It is not difficult to find good accommodation
     e.  There are not noise and pollution affecting people’s life

7.  “In conclusion, I think that city life can be particularly appealing to young people, who like the
       excitement of the city and don’t mind the noise and pollution.” (Paragraph 6)
      The underlined word means …
       a.  eye catching                          c.  beautiful                        e.  lunatic
       b.  attractive                              d.  wonderful

The following text is for questions 8 to 10.
Computers are undoubtedly, used by almost all people in the world. Computers provide people with quicker, practical and useful works. People admit the superiority of computers in their work. They can make use of the used product of technology which brings many benefits for society, from children to adult.
However, computers certainly do not promote physical activity. There are some students who are caught in the mystique of this machine. They forgot about lunch, forget to rest and even want to skip from after shool-activities. Even, those who hold strong oppositions about this machine, they say that this machine fail to allow its users some of emotions that are desirable in human beings. In fact some preliminary research has slown that prolong exposure to computerized testing situations has resulted students in being surly and often abusive to each other.
So, whatever opinion a person holds, try to bear in the mind that computers not only bring some benefits but also cause some problems.

8.  Which statement is NOT TRUE according to the text?
     A.  Computers certainly do not promote physical activity.
     B.  Computers only bring some benefits
     C.  People admit the superiority of computers in their work.
     D.  Computers are undoubtedly, used by almost all people in the world.
     E.  Computers provide people with quicker, practical and useful works.

9.   "They forgot about lunch, forget to rest and even want to skip from after shool-activities."
      (Paragraph 2)
      The underlined word refers to ....
      A.  Computer                                               C.  Work                                               E. Students
      B.  People                                                    D.  The writer

10.  "... they say that this machine fail to allow its users some of emotions that are desirable in human
       beings." (Paragraph 2)
        "Allow" means ....
        A.  Permit                                                    C.  Advice                                            E.  Instruct
        B.  Order                                                     D.  Suggest

For questions 11 to 15 fill the missing word with the most suitable one!
Deciding Where To Live
Many young people have difficulty deciding where they will live when the time comes to leave home and make their one (11).... in the world. Among the more common alternatives are sharing a house or flat with other young people, and finding full board and lodgings in someone else's home. Renting a house with other young people offers the advantage of a high degree of (12).... and independence. For example, you would be free to come and go at times that suit you, without needing to inform anyone that you would not be home for dinner.
On the down side, renting involves a variety of (13).... that may be more than you wish to take on. For example, if you rent a house, you will need to spend time and money maintaining the lawn and gardens. You may also share the legal responsibility for the ren and for damage to the property if your name is on the rental agreement.
Finding board and lodgings, on the other hand, has significant advantages. Generally you have no responsibility for the cleaning or maintenance of the dwelling or its gardens, other than to take reasonable care of your room. Your meals are usually provided for you, the home is usually more comfortably furnished than you would be able to (14).... in a rented property, and your financial liability is limited to the payment of your fixed weekly amount for board and lodging.
However, living in board and lodging circumstances has its drawbacks too. You have less freedom and flexibility in your lifestyle, not only in the timing of meals, but also, for example, in how loudly you can play your music.
In the end, the decision each person makes will depend on their own personal valuing of (15).... and of convenience, as well as their feeling of readiness for taking on the (16).... financial and other responsibilities of house or flat rental.

11.  A. return                                                 C.  way                                                       E. go
       B. alley                                                    D. street

12. A. imprisoned                                         C. tie                                                            E.  freedom
      B. bind                                                    D. deceive

13. A. responsibilities                                     C. nebulous                                                 E. rule
      B. obscure                                               D. irresponsible

14.  A. cannot                                                C.  afford                                                    E. do not have
       B. unable                                                 D. not able 

15. A. subjection                                            C. colonialism                                              E. bound
      B. independence                                       D. attached 

16. A. ability                                                   C. incompetence                                         E. not really
      B. incapacity                                             D.  considerable

The following text is for number 17 to 20.
Parents choose homeschooling to educate their kids because they believe that homeschooling can be a personalized schedule. Homeschooling allows parents and children to work out a schedule that will best work for the child.
Another advantage is flexibility in time and curriculum. By homeschooling parents can set the curriculum around vacation, illnesses, and other surprise event.
On the other hand, homeschooling can spoil parents' time. Homeschooling needs a lot of time in preparation and delivery. Parents have to research topics, prepare the lessons, set up the projects and field the trips.
So, when thinking about putting children through homeschool, we should make sure that we understand all of the criteria involved in the home education.

17.  What is being discussed in the text above?
       A.  School for children
       B.  Education for kids
       C.  The flexibility of homeschooling
       D.  Putting children through home school
       E.  The advantages and disadvantages of homeschooling

18.  What should parents do before deciding homeschooling?
       A.  They should ask their kids
       B.  They should know the weaknesses of homeschooling
       C.  They should think that homeschooling can spoil parents' time
       D.  They should understand all criteria involved in the home education
       E.  They should make sure that their children have desire to be homeschooled

19.  Which of the following statements are TRUE based on the text above?
       A.  Homeschooling can't be a personalized schedule.
       B.  Homeschooling has flexibility in time
       C.  Homeschooling can't spoil parents' time
       D.  Parents shouldn't understand all criteria involved in the home education
       E.  Homeschooling has good fix curriculum

20.  "Homeschooling can spoil parents' time." (Paragraph 3)
        The opposite of the underlined word is ....
       A. Heal                                           C. Trash                                                                E. Damage

       B. Ruin                                           D. Improve

Jumat, 21 Maret 2014

Soal Hukum Hardy-Weinberg part 1

1. Di dalam populasi 10.000 orang, diketahui 10 orang kidal. Berapa orangkah yang normal heterozigot pada populasi tersebut?
Jawab :

Normal = p

Kidal = q

Normal heterozigot = 2pq

p2 + 2pq + q2 = 1

Kidal = 10

q2 = 10/10.000 = 0, 0001

q = 0, 0001 = 0,01

p + q = 1

p = 1 - 0,01

p = 0,99

2pq = 2 (0,99 x 0, 01)

2pq = 0,01 x 10.000

2pq = 100 orang

2. Diketahui 36% orang tidak dapat merasakan pahitnya kertas PTC (non PTC). Tentukanlah perbandingan genotipe TT : Tt : tt.

Jawab :

Perasa + tidak perasa = 100%

Perasa = 100% - 36% = 64%

q2 = 36% = 0,36

q = √0,36= 0,6

p + q = 1

p = 1 - 0,6 = 0, 4

p2 + 2pq + q2 = 1

= (0,4)2 + 2 (0,4 x 0,6) + (0,6)2

= 0,16 : 0,48 : 0, 36

     TT   :   Tt   :    tt

3. Pada suatu populasi diketahui terdapat 0,09% orang yang albino. Bila populasi terdiri dari 10.000 orang, maka berapa orangkah yang normal?

Jawab :

Normal = p2 + 2pq

Albino = q2

Albino = 0,09%

q2 = 0,09/100 = 0,0009

q = 0,03

p + q = 1

p = 1 - 0,03

p = 0,97

Normal = p2 + 2pq

= (0,97)2 + 2(0,97 x 0,03)

= 0,9409 + 0,0582

= 0, 9991 x 10000

= 9991 orang.

4. Jika diketahui penduduk desa A terdapat pria normal 90%, maka berapa % wanita buta warna dan wanita normal di desa tersebut?

Jawab :

Pria normal (XB) = p

Pria buta warna (Xb) = q

Wanita normal (XBXB) = p2

Wanita buta warna (XbXb) = q2

Wanita normal carrier (XBXb) = 2pq

Pria normal = 90%

p = 90/100 = 0,9

p + q = 1

q = 1 - 0,9 = 0,1

p2 + q2 = (0,9)2 + (0,1)2

p2 + q2 = 0,81 + 0,01

p2 (wanita normal) = 0,81 x 100% = 81 %

q2 (wanita buta warna) = 0,01 x 100% = 1%

5. Dari 10.000 penduduk terdapat wanita buta warna 9 orang, maka berapa orangkah wanita karir, wanita normal, pria normal, dan pria buta warna?

Jawab :

Pria normal (XB) = p

Pria buta warna (Xb) = q

Wanita normal (XBXB) = p2

Wanita buta warna (XbXb) = q2

Wanita normal carrier (XBXb) = 2pq

Wanita buta warna = 9 orang

q2 = 9/10.000 = 0,0009

q = √0,0009 = 0,03

p + q = 1

p = 1 - 0,3 = 0,97

2pq (wanita normal carrier) = 2 (0,97 x 0,03)

2pq (wanita normal carrier) = 0,02 x 10.000 = 200 orang

p2 (wanita normal) = (0,97)2

= 0,094 x 10.000 = 940 orang

p (pria normal) = 0,97 x 10.000 = 9700 orang

q (pria buta warna) = 0,03 x 10.000 = 300 orang

6. Dari 10.000 penduduk diperiksa golongan darahnya. Didapat 2800 orang golongan darah A, 2800 golongan darah B, 800 orang golongan darah AB, dan 3600 orang golongan darah O. Hitunglah:

a. Frekuensi alel IA, IB, IO

b. Berapa orang homozigot golongan darah A.

c. Berapa orang homozigot dan heterozigot golongan darah B.

Jawab :

a. p2 (IAIA) + 2pr (IAIO) + q2 (IBIB) + 2qr (IBIO) + 2pq (IAIB) + r2 (IOIO)

r2 = 3600/10.000 = 0,36

r = 0,36= 0,6

(p + r)2 = 2800 + 3600/10.000

(p + r)2 = 6400/10.000

(p + r)2 = 0,64

(p + r) = 0,64 = 0,8

p = 0,8 - 0,6 = 0,2

p + q + r = 1

q = 1 - (p + r)

q = 1 - (0,2 + 0,6)

q = 0,2

b. IAIA = p2 = (0,2)2 = 0,04

IAIA = 0,04 x 10.000 = 400 orang

c. IBIB = q2 = (0,2)2 = 0,04

IBIB = 0,04 x 10.000 = 400 orang

IBIO = 2qr = 2(0,2 x 0,6) = 0,24

IBIO = 0,24 x 10.000 = 2400 orang

7. Dalam suatu populasi terdapat golongan darah A 20% dan O 16%, maka berapa golongan darah AB dan golongan darah B?


(p + q + r)2 = p2 (IAIA) + 2pr (IAIO) + q2 (IBIB) + 2qr (IBIO) + 2pq (IAIB) + r2 (IOIO)

r2 = 16% = 0,16

r = 0,16 = 0,4

p = 0,6 - r

p = 0,6 - 0,4 = 0,2

p + q + r = 0,2 + q + 0,4

q = 1 - 0,6 = 0,4

IA (p) = 0,2

IB (q) = 0,4

IO (r) = 0,4

AB = 2pq

AB = 2 (0,2 x 0,4)

AB = 0,6 x 100% = 16%

B = q2 + 2qr

B = (0,4)2 + 2(0,4 x 0,4)

B = 0,16 + 0,32

B = 0,48 x 100% = 48%

8. Dalam 10.000 penduduk diketahui golongan darah B = 3900, 0 = 2500, A = 2400 dan AB = 1200. Hitunglah :

a. Frekuensi IA, IB, IO

b. Golongan darah A homozigot dan heterozigot

c. Golongan darah B homozigot dan heterozigot.

Jawab :

a. p2 (IAIA) + 2pr (IAIO) + q2 (IBIB) + 2qr (IBIO) + 2pq (IAIB) + r2 (IOIO)

r2 = 2500/10.000= 0,25

r = 0,25= 0,5

(p + r)2 = 2400 + 2500 / 10.000 = 4900/10.000

(p + r)2 = 0,49

(p + r) = 0,49 = 0,7

p = 0,7 - 0,5 = 0,2

p + q + r = 1

q = 1 - (p + r)

q = 1 - (0,2 + 0,5) = 0,3

IA = 0,2

IB = 0,3

IO = 0,5

b. IAIA = p2 = (0,2)2 = 0,04

IAIA = 0,04 x 10.000 = 400 orang

IAIO = 2pr = 2(0,2 x 0,5) = 0,2

IAIO = 0,2 x 10.000 = 2000 orang

c. IBIB = q2 = (0,3)2 = 0,09

IBIB = 0,09 x 10.000 = 900 orang

d. IBIO = 2qr = 2(0,3 x 0,5) = 0,3

IBIO = 0,3 x 10.000 = 3000 orang.

to be continued . . .

Selasa, 18 Maret 2014

Akibat Mutasi Kromosom

1. Sindrom Turner
Formula Kromosom : 22AA + XO / 45, XO
Penyebab : Peristiwa monosomik
Ciri-ciri: tinggi badan cenderung pendek, alat kelamin lambat berkembang, di sisi leher tumbuh gelambir, bentuk kaki X, kedua puting susu berjarak melebar, keterbelakangan mental

2. Sindrom Klinefelter
Formula Kromosom : 22AA + XXY
Penyebab : Trisomik gonosom
Ciri-ciri : bulu badan tidak tumbuh, testis mengecil, buah dada membesar, tinggi badan berlebihan, mandul, jika jumlah kromoson X > 2 mengalami keterbelakangan mental

3. Sindrom Jacobs
Formula Kromosom : 22AA + XYY / 47, XYY
Penyebab : Trisomik gonosom
Ciri-ciri : Berperawakan tinggi, bersifat antisosial, agresif, suka melawan hukum

4. Wanita super
Formula Kromosom : 22AA + XXX / 47, XXX
Penyebab : Trisomik gonosom
Ciri-ciri : Payudara berjarak melebar, tinggi di atas rata-rata, kelainan pada alat genital, pada umur 22 ia mempunyai alat kelamin luar seperti kepunyaan bayi, menstruasi tidak teratur, berat badan penderita tersebut tidak sebanding dengan tingginya.

5. Sindrom Down
Formula Kromosom : 47 XY + 21 dan 47 XX + 21 / 45A + 21 + XY dan 45A + 21 + XX
Penyebab : Trisomik kromosom no. 21 (autosom)
Ciri-ciri : Tinggi badan ± 120 cm, kepala lebar dan pendek, bibir tebal, lidah besar dan terjulur, liur selalu menetes, wajah bulat, mata sipit, mulut selalu terbuka, IQ rendah, telapak tangan tebal, gigi kecil-kecil dan jarang

6. Sindrom Edwards
Formula Kromosom : 47, XY + 18 dan 47, XX + 18 / 45A + 18 + XY dan 45A + 18 + XX
Penyebab : Trisomik kromosom no. 16, 17, atau 18 (autosom)
Ciri-ciri : Kelainan pada alat tubuh, tulang dada pendek, mulut kecil, berumur pendek (rata-rata berumur 6 bulan), tengkorak lonjong, letak telinga lebih di bawah dibanding orang normal, keterbelakangan mental

7. Sindrom Patau
Formula Kromosom : 47, XY + 13 dan 47, XX + 13 / 45A + 13 + XY dan 45A + 13 + XX
Penyebab : Trisomik kromosom no. 13, 14, atau 15
Ciri-ciri : Kepala dan mata kecil, bibir sumbing, tuli, polidaktili, kelainan pada otak, jantung, ginjal, dan usus, berumur pendek (rata-rata berumur 3 bulan), keterbelakangan mental